Local Programs

Promoting safety and health in your community

Making a difference

District attorneys in Colorado are at the forefront of actively pursuing improvements to the criminal justice system in a responsible and thoughtful manner. Special programs envisioned and created by local DAs continue to build safer and healthier communities across the state.


Opportunities to stay out of the prison system and enter treatment programs are offered to low-risk and first-time offenders.

Special Courts

Alternative courts are designed specifically for cases involving convicted offenders with unique issues and needs. 


Through local programs, DAs educate the community and engage their constituents in criminal justice discussions.

Diversion Programs

Colorado district attorneys recognize the difference between someone who intentionally causes harm to their community and people who make a mistake. For the latter, diversion offers an alternative solution to prison in achieving justice, increasing accountability and providing treatment resources to prevent future offenses.

Special Courts

Also known as problem-solving courts, these programs are designed to pursue accountability while recognizing the unique needs of juveniles and people suffering from mental and behavioral health issues, addiction or trauma related to military service.

Community Programs

District attorneys serve the people in their jurisdiction and are dedicated to engaging their constituents in adult and K-12 educational opportunities, creating crime prevention initiatives and raising awareness of resources available to victims through local nonprofit and community-based initiatives.