Who We Are

The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council (CDAC) is a statewide organization that supports and represents the elected district attorneys for all 22 of Colorado’s judicial districts. The governing board meets regularly to discuss and engage in public policy solutions that keep our communities safe and respect the rights of all Coloradans.  

what we do

CDAC promotes, fosters and encourages and effective administration of criminal justice in the state by providing:

  • Training
  • Legislative Services
  • Legal Research
  • Management Assistance
  • Case Management and Data Tracking
  • Sharing of Criminal Justice Information and other agencies
  • Subject Matter Expertise and Special Programs
  • Special Prosecution Assistance


We provide specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

Conference seminar meeting room


We discuss, develop and engage in public policy solutions that promote safe and healthy communities for all in Colorado. 

Data Management

We foster a more effective and efficient criminal justice system in Colorado through the use of information technology.


This comprehensive case management system provides prosecutors with an expansive database with information to consider in every aspect of a case.

Electronic Discovery

Providing evidence about a criminal case, eDiscovery increases the efficiency and accessibility of information for defendants and their attorneys.

The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

Case Law Updates
  • Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.
  • What is a district Attorney?

    A District Attorney (DA), also known as a prosecutor, is a public servant who serves as the chief prosecutor for their respective judicial district, made up of one or multiple counties in the state. DAs are locally elected every four years and are responsible for prosecuting crimes, ensuring equal justice under the law, promoting safety health and well-being in their community. 

    Local Programs

    District Attorneys in Colorado are at the forefront in pursuing innovative improvements to the criminal justice system that enhance community safety and provide opportunities for rehabilitation and redemption. Whether through diversion, drug courts, juvenile programs, family justice centers, conviction integrity units or veterans courts. 

    Improving the system


    With more than 120 years of legal experience, the CDAC Public Policy Team features some of Colorado’s premier experts in criminal justice issues who advocate for the shared interests of the state’s district attorney and the communities they serve.

    Our work

    We are dedicated to assisting and collaborating with all legislators to ensure that any bill introduced:

    • Does not conflict with existing statutes and case law
    • Avoids unintended consequences
    • Protects the rights of both defendants and victims
    • Meets Constitutional requirements
    • Can be practically implemented by the courts

    It's Time to Start Your Adventures

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus ullamcorpe pulvinar.
    Find my District Attorney

    Don’t know who your district attorney is? Not sure what judicial district you’re in? Check out our interactive map to find what DA is representing your community and information on how you can reach out to their office. 

    Contact Info


    3600 S. Yosemite St., Suite 200, Denver, CO 80207

    Email Us


    Call Us


    Follow Us
    NameJob TitleJudicial DistrictEmailPhone
    Adams, Lila
    Adams, Reebecca
    Ahlin, Brianne
    Ambrose, Carly
    Arellano, Jen
    Baldwin, Cindy
    Barnard, Holly
    Barr, Cheryl
    Battan, Kate
    Beauvais, Kala
    Becker, Amanda
    Becker, Jordan
    Bellomy, Scott
    Beranich, Sherry
    Berry, Sheryl
    Billek, Donna
    Blessinger, Kayla
    Bliley, Dixie
    Boatright, Brionna
    Boatright, Russell
    Boyd, Allison
    Brady, Alexandra
    Brecheisen, Patricia
    Brill, Melody
    Britton, Joshua
    Brown, Bruce
    Burciaga, Alex
    Burger, Nora
    Campbell, Mark
    Carbone, Robert
    Chase, Brynn
    Chavez, Joseph
    Cohen, Max
    Collard, Erin
    Cook, Bryan
    Cooledge, Candace
    Crabb, Margaret
    Crandall-Green, Beth
    Crawford, Lauren
    Cutbirth, Ryan
    D’Aurio, Louie
    Davis, Lenae
    Dean, Nichole
    Decker, Katharine
    Doll, John
    Domingues, Brian
    Eads, Andrew
    Eatherly, Kyle
    Erwin, Mary
    Ewan, Bailey
    Ferguson, Jan
    Ferrere, Sue
    Fluke, Corey
    Flynn, Ashly
    Forbes, Tyra
    Ford, Barb
    Freiberg, Lesli
    Gallerani, Kimberly
    Galvan, Allie
    Gatewood, Sara
    Gippe, William
    Glover, Conrad
    Gonya, Riley
    Granillo, Gabriel
    Grant, Chandler
    Griscavage, Heath
    Hahn, Deena
    Hammernik, Sarah
    Hanchey, Kendra
    Hansen, Madeleine
    Hassing, Brian
    Hensen, Amanda
    Hepp, Adam
    Hirshfield, Benjamin
    Hohn, Terry
    Holmes, Kim
    Holsteen, Alane
    Incampo, John
    Jenkins, William
    Jennings, Alexandra
    Johnson, Christopher
    Kafka, Darren
    Karpelowitz, Alan
    Kellog, Carrie
    Kilpatrick, Jennifer
    King, Alexis
    Knight, Kim
    Knowles, Kate
    Lamb, Colleen
    Lessmann, Amanda
    Makloski, Brian
    Martin-Layfield, Kim
    Martin, Daniel
    Martinez, Sabrina
    Masciotro, Jessica
    Mastarone, Rachel
    Masterson, Sarah
    Mathews, Jacob
    McReynolds, Kevin
    Monaco, Cristina
    Montez, Derek
    Moon, Aaron
    Moore, Cheryl
    Moore, Kari
    Moritzky, Trevor
    Myers, Eleanor
    Newland, Jeanne
    Nguyen, Loc
    Nicoletti, Lynne
    Nixon, Stevie
    Noble, Reilly
    Norton, Jessica
    Ohno, Deb
    Olivas-Escarcega, Ana
    Oltmann, Molly
    Parenas, Rommel
    Petri Beard, Amy
    Pino, Chrissy
    Pomerantz, Daniel
    Powell, Dana
    Quintanar, Kirsten
    Ragan, Jennifer
    Rayburn, Mileah
    Raynes, Kathryn
    Rex, Michael
    Rhoads, Jennifer
    Rhodes, Kate
    Sanger, Judy
    Savard, Kelly
    Sbarbaro, Gina
    Scheitler, Joseph
    Schermer, Lindsay
    Schroeder, Tracy
    Sheikh, Tariq
    Smith, Linda
    Spease, Holly
    Spurgeon, Mark
    Stalter, Monica
    Street, Dianne
    Stroud, Arlene
    Tarantino, Tony
    Thompson, Patrick
    Thrailkill, Alexandra
    Toben, Sarah Beth
    Trujillo, Beckie
    Turner, Heather
    Visscher, Alexa
    Weimer, Amanda
    Weiss, Audrey
    Wildeman, Kayla
    Wilkinson, Sarah
    Wyrick, Lindsay
    Zortman, Brenna

    Our Principles

    the symbol of justice and justice is a statuette of the goddess Themis judge's gavel. legal advice

    Equal Justice

    Justice is our job, not convictions. Serving the public interest, we actively pursue the truth and ensure that everyone receives equal treatment under the law.​

    Family, park and parents with children in nature for playing, bonding and running together in field

    Public Safety

    The primary reason we do our work is to create safe communities where every person has the opportunity to thrive, meet their true potential and enjoy their freedom.

    Joyful group of multi-ethnic community of happy people having fun joining hands in the park

    Community Health

    We prioritize educating the public and engaging every person from every community in discussions about the criminal justice system in our state.

    Lawyer takes his first oath before the Supreme Court.

    Honesty and Integrity

    At the Capitol, in the news or out in the community, you can count on us to tell the full truth and remain faithful to the community values we all share.

    A business partnership based on mutual respect


    Valuing humanity, we respect the inalienable dignity and rights of every individual in our state – including people who have caused harm in their community.

    Legal, woman and lawyer in a meeting for a contract agreement for accountability in an office. Atto


    We believe everyone's path to redemption or rehabilitation must include accepting responsibility for the harm they have caused.

    Human Rights

    Victims Rights

    Recognizing that they are the most important person in any criminal case, we protect victims' rights and support their needs while they seek justice.

    Halls of justice federal building columns looking up.

    Responsible Reform

    For over 40 years, we have spearheaded efforts to responsibly improve the criminal justice system without compromising community safety and health.

    Audience of educational forum

    Community Engagement

    We prioritize educating the public and engaging every person from every community in discussions about the criminal justice system in our state.

    what we do

    CDAC promotes, fosters and encourages and effective administration of criminal justice in the state by providing:

    • Training
    • Legislative Services
    • Legal Research
    • Management Assistance
    • Case Management and Data Tracking
    • Sharing of Criminal Justice Information and other agencies
    • Subject Matter Expertise and Special Programs
    • Special Prosecution Assistance

    Cdac Policy team

    With more than 120 years of legal experience, the CDAC Public Policy Team features some of Colorado’s premier experts in criminal justice issues who advocate for the shared interests of the state’s district attorney and the communities they serve.

    Why Outdoor Adventure

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    What You Get

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


    Even with all of the information at your fingertips, it can still be challenging to gain a comprehensive understanding of criminal justice. Have questions? We have answers!

    Support and care
    Victim Resources

    If you are a victim of crime in Colorado, there are numerous support services and resources available to help you find safety, seek justice and heal from the physical, emotional and financial harm that you’ve experienced.

    Family Hiking Trips

    Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

    Water Sports

    Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

    Winter Sports

    Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

    WExtraordinary Experiences

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    Our Core Values

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    Ending Violence Against Women Program

    EVAW offers training and technical assistance to prosecutors, law enforcement officers, victim advocates,  coordinated community  councils and other multi-disciplinary response teams across the state 

    Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Program

    The TSRP program provides law enforcement and prosecutors with specialized, education, legal research and technical assistance around traffic safety and impaired driving

    Ending Violence Against Women Program

    EVAW offers training and technical assistance to prosecutors, law enforcement officers, victim advocates,  coordinated community  councils and other multi-disciplinary response teams across the state 

    Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Program

    The TSRP program provides law enforcement and prosecutors with specialized, education, legal research and technical assistance around traffic safety and impaired driving

    Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Program

    The TSRP program provides law enforcement and prosecutors with specialized, education, legal research and technical assistance around traffic safety and impaired driving

    Ending Violence Against Women Program

    EVAW offers training and technical assistance to prosecutors, law enforcement officers, victim advocates,  coordinated community  councils and other multi-disciplinary response teams across the state 

    Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Program

    The TSRP program provides law enforcement and prosecutors with specialized, education, legal research and technical assistance around traffic safety and impaired driving

    orange traffic cones

    Types of trainings

    Case Law Updates

    Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.

    CDAC Trainings

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et justo. Praesent mattis commodo augue.​

    Upcoming Trainings

    Policeman checking woman driver for alcohol intoxication
    SFST Refresher

    Topics include: Review of the three phases of DWI detection, SFST validation studies, and proper administration of SFSTs. Law enforcement will be required to successfully pass a proficiency examination. This course is not a substitute for the 24 hours SFST training. This training is open to Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, and Other Traffic Safety Professionals.


    This training will cover the elements of a felony DUI including how to find qualified prior convictions, filing requirements, and preliminary hearing eligibility. This course is designed as a primer or refresher, covering the basics of crash investigations with some additional best practices. This will include how to properly secure a scene and special considerations for crashes involving loss of life or serious bodily injury. This course is not a crash reconstruction course. This training is open to law enforcement, prosecutors, DA investigators, and other traffic safety personnel.

    Training Calendar

    Support and care
    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

    FEB 2024

    Montrose, CO

    CVs in a DUI Case – Larimer County Sheriff’s Office

    Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

    Upcoming TRAININGS

    CDAC provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

    Audience of educational forum

    FEB 2024

    Montrose, CO

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals. Topics will include, strangulation, DV Dynamics, Predominant Aggressor Analysis, Trauma Informed Practices, Interviewing, Post Sentence Offender Treatment.

    FEB 2024

    Larimer County Sheriff’s Office

    CVs in a DUI Case

    Qualification as an expert in court requires a clear and organized CV. Attendees will learn why a curriculum vitae (CV) is critical to impaired and intoxicated driving litigation, what must be included to be qualified as an expert, formatting suggestions, and ideas on how to maintain a good CV once developed.

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals. Topics will include, strangulation, DV Dynamics, Predominant Aggressor Analysis, Trauma Informed Practices, Interviewing, Post Sentence Offender Treatment.

    FEB 2024

    Montrose, CO

    Case Law Updates

    Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.

    CDAC Conference

    An annual three-day gathering held in September featuring keynote speakers and expert presenters from around the state.

    Courtroom Experience

    Interactive and simulated training that aids in preparing law enforcement officers for testifying in a courtroom.

    Domestic Violence

    Skill-building activities that teach victim-offender dynamics, investigation strategies and report-writing.

    Felony Proseuctions

    Preparation and skill-development for the effective, successful and appropriate prosecution of felony cases.

    Impaired Driving

    Training of prosecutors and law enforcement for effective navigation of the unique challenges in DUI cases.

    Legislative Updates

    Analysis of the impact of new criminal justice legislation on prosecution and law enforcement.

    Major Cases

    Advanced training for district attorneys that examines their role in major cases from investigation through trial.

    Search and Seizure

    Education on the implications of the 4th Amendment's prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures.

    Sexual Assault

    Multi-disciplinary training on sex assault response, forensic exams, Title IX investigations and offender sentencing

    Traffic Safety

    Training for prosecutors and law enforcement on crash reconstruction and common issues regarding road safety.

    Sexual Assault

    Week-long course preparing new prosecutors to achieve justice, act with integrity and protect the community.

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    This is the heading

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    This is the heading

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    CDAC Trainings

    Case Law Updates

    Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.

    CDAC Conference

    An annual three-day gathering held in September featuring keynote speakers and expert presenters from around the state.

    Courtroom Experience

    Interactive and simulated training that aids in preparing law enforcement officers for testifying in a courtroom.

    Social Media

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et justo. Praesent mattis commodo augue.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et justo. Praesent mattis commodo augue.

    Help & Support

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et justo. Praesent mattis commodo augue.

    Case Law Updates

    Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.​

    CDAC Conference

    An annual three-day gathering held in September featuring keynote speakers and expert presenters from around the state.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et justo. Praesent mattis commodo augue.

    CDAC Logo

    We are your das

    The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council promotes, fosters, and encourages an effective administration of criminal justice in our state through training of personnel, legislative drafting and liaison, legal research, management assistance, case tracking, and dissemination of data to other criminal justice agencies. 

    what we do

    CDAC promotes, fosters and encourages and effective administration of criminal justice in the state by providing:

    • Training
    • Legislative Services
    • Legal Research
    • Management Assistance
    • Case Management and Data Tracking
    • Sharing of Criminal Justice Information and other agencies
    • Subject Matter Expertise and Special Programs
    • Special Prosecution Assistance

    Mission Statement

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    We are cdac

    The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council is a statewide organization that supports and represents the district attorneys for all 22 of Colorado’s judicial districts.

    Our Mission

    The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council promotes, fosters, and encourages an effective administration of criminal justice in our state through training of personnel, legislative drafting and liaison, legal research, management assistance, case tracking, and dissemination of data to other criminal justice agencies. 

    Cdac Policy team

    With more than 120 years of legal experience, the CDAC Public Policy Team features some of Colorado’s premier experts in criminal justice issues who advocate for the shared interests of the state’s district attorney and the communities they serve.

    Tom Raynes
    Executive Director

    Since November 2010, Tom Raynes has served as Executive Director for the Colorado District Attorneys’ Council (CDAC). Prior to accepting the position, Raynes spent four years as Colorado’s Deputy Attorney General from 2007-2010 and served as the elected District Attorney for Colorado’s 7th Judicial District – covering Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray and San Miguel counties.

    Born and raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Raynes received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Northern Colorado in 1989. After earning his doctorate in law from Lewis & Clark College in 1993, he spent the next eight years working in private practice in Fort Collins and Gunnison.  Raynes was appointed by Governor Bill Owens to fill a vacancy as District Attorney in the 7th Judicial District in 2002 before being elected to the position in November 2004.

    Arnold Hanuman
    Deputy Executive Director

    Since joining CDAC as Deputy Executive Director in 2013, Arnold Hanuman has managed critical negotiations across diverse stakeholder groups to promote safer and healthy communities across the state. A leading expert in criminal justice legislation, Arnold provides statewide trainings, serves on statewide task forces, improves public policy and has earned deep respect on both sides of the aisle.

    Tim Lane
    Legislative Liaison and Policy Analyst

    Timothy Lane has been a part of the CDAC Policy Team since May 2016 after serving over 14 years as a Deputy District Attorney in Colorado’s 1st Judicial District (Gilpin, Jefferson). Recognized for his objective legal analysis and knowledge of constitutional law, he provides policy consultation and statewide training on legislative updates, mental health competency, at-risk populations and bond reform.

    Jessica Dotter
    Sexual Assault Resource Prosecutor 

    Jessica Dotter joined the CDAC team in March of 2021 as Sexual Assault Resource Prosecutor after serving over eight years in the DA offices for the 20th (Boulder) and 4th (El Paso, Teller) judicial districts – six of which were spent prosecuting special victims cases. Jessica utilizes her experience and expertise to analyze legislation and advocate for effective sexual assault policy in Colorado.

    Cdac Policy team

    With more than 120 years of legal experience, the CDAC Public Policy Team features some of Colorado’s premier experts in criminal justice issues who advocate for the shared interests of the state’s district attorney and the communities they serve.

    what we do

    CDAC promotes, fosters and encourages and effective administration of criminal justice in the state by providing:

    • Training
    • Legislative Services
    • Legal Research
    • Management Assistance
    • Case Management and Data Tracking
    • Sharing of Criminal Justice Information and other agencies
    • Subject Matter Expertise and Special Programs
    • Special Prosecution Assistance

    WExtraordinary Experiences

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    Our Core Values

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    a better system

    We provide centralized prosecution-related services to the district attorneys of Colorado including training of personnel, legislative drafting and liaison, legal research, management assistance, case tracking data and safeguarding, dissemination of data to other criminal justice agencies, and other special programs.

    Statue of lady justice on desk of a judge or lawyer.

    We are your das

    The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council promotes, fosters, and encourages an effective administration of criminal justice in our state through training of personnel, legislative drafting and liaison, legal research, management assistance, case tracking, and dissemination of data to other criminal justice agencies. 
    Halls of justice federal building columns looking up.

    The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council promotes, fosters, and encourages an effective administration of criminal justice in our state through training of personnel, legislative drafting and liaison, legal research, management assistance, case tracking, and dissemination of data to other criminal justice agencies.

    We are
    your das

    The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council promotes, fosters, and encourages an effective administration of criminal justice in our state through training of personnel, legislative drafting and liaison, legal research, management assistance, case tracking, and dissemination of data to other criminal justice agencies. 

    a better system

    We provide centralized prosecution-related services to the district attorneys of Colorado including training of personnel, legislative drafting and liaison, legal research, management assistance, case tracking data and safeguarding, dissemination of data to other criminal justice agencies, and other special programs.

    Autumn in Colorado

    We are your das

    The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council promotes, fosters, and encourages an effective administration of criminal justice in our state through training of personnel, legislative drafting and liaison, legal research, management assistance, case tracking, and dissemination of data to other criminal justice agencies. 

    Colorado District Attorneys' Council

    Supporting and Representing Colorado’s Prosecutors


    Upcoming Trainings

    Everest Camp Trek

    Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

    Walking Holidays

    Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

    Upcoming TRAININGS

    CDAC provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

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    This is the heading

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    This is the heading

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    Our Mission

    The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council promotes, fosters, and encourages an effective administration of criminal justice in our state through training of personnel, legislative drafting and liaison, legal research, management assistance, case tracking, and dissemination of data to other criminal justice agencies. 


    Equal Justice

    Justice is our job, not convictions. Serving the public interest, we actively pursue the truth and ensure that everyone receives equal treatment under the law.​

    Family, park and parents with children in nature for playing, bonding and running together in field

    Community Health

    Public safety might be our top goal, but we recognize that no community can be safe without the services and resources that create healthy environments for everyone.

    Multiracial group of friends sitting on the grass in a public park drinking orange juice and waving

    Public Safety

    The primary reason we do our work is to create safe communities where every person has the opportunity to thrive, meet their true potential and enjoy their freedom.


    Equal Justice

    Justice is our job, not convictions. Serving the public interest, we actively pursue the truth and ensure that everyone receives equal treatment under the law.​

    Family, park and parents with children in nature for playing, bonding and running together in field

    Community Health

    Public safety might be our top goal, but we recognize that no community can be safe without the services and resources that create healthy environments for everyone.

    Legal, woman and lawyer in a meeting for a contract agreement for accountability in an office. Atto

    Public Safety

    The primary reason we do our work is to create safe communities where every person has the opportunity to thrive, meet their true potential and enjoy their freedom.

    Our Principles

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    WExtraordinary Experiences

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    Our Core Values

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    Equal Justice

    Justice is our job, not convictions. Serving the public interest, we actively pursue the truth and ensure that everyone receives equal treatment under the law.​


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et justo. Praesent mattis commodo augue.

    Help & Support

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et justo. Praesent mattis commodo augue.

    WExtraordinary Experiences

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    Our Core Values

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
    The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

    Case Law Updates
  • Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.