
Check out upcoming CDAC trainings and register today


CDAC provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

Businesswoman Making Presentation At Conference
People Applauding at Business Conference Side View

CDAC Programs

Ending Violence Against Women Program

EVAW offers training and technical assistance to prosecutors, law enforcement officers, victim advocates,  coordinated community  councils and other multi-disciplinary response teams across the state 

Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Program

The TSRP program provides law enforcement and prosecutors with specialized, education, legal research and technical assistance around traffic safety and impaired driving

Ending Violence Against Women Program

EVAW offers training and technical assistance to prosecutors, law enforcement officers, victim advocates,  coordinated community  councils and other multi-disciplinary response teams across the state 

Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Program

The TSRP program provides law enforcement and prosecutors with specialized, education, legal research and technical assistance around traffic safety and impaired driving

Ending Violence Against Women Program

EVAW offers training and technical assistance to prosecutors, law enforcement officers, victim advocates,  coordinated community  councils and other multi-disciplinary response teams across the state 

Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Program

The TSRP program provides law enforcement and prosecutors with specialized, education, legal research and technical assistance around traffic safety and impaired driving

Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Program

The TSRP program provides law enforcement and prosecutors with specialized, education, legal research and technical assistance around traffic safety and impaired driving

orange traffic cones

Upcoming Trainings

Policeman checking woman driver for alcohol intoxication
SFST Refresher

Topics include: Review of the three phases of DWI detection, SFST validation studies, and proper administration of SFSTs. Law enforcement will be required to successfully pass a proficiency examination. This course is not a substitute for the 24 hours SFST training. This training is open to Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, and Other Traffic Safety Professionals.


This training will cover the elements of a felony DUI including how to find qualified prior convictions, filing requirements, and preliminary hearing eligibility. This course is designed as a primer or refresher, covering the basics of crash investigations with some additional best practices. This will include how to properly secure a scene and special considerations for crashes involving loss of life or serious bodily injury. This course is not a crash reconstruction course. This training is open to law enforcement, prosecutors, DA investigators, and other traffic safety personnel.

Training Calendar

Support and care
Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

FEB 2024

Montrose, CO

CVs in a DUI Case – Larimer County Sheriff’s Office

Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.


CDAC provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

Audience of educational forum

The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

Bright, clean, modern training room at work in an office building for new employee orientation

The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

Case Law Updates
  • Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.
  • Training Calendar

    Support and care
    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

    FEB 2024

    Montrose, CO

    CVs in a DUI Case – Larimer County Sheriff’s Office

    Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

    FEB 2024

    Montrose, CO

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals. Topics will include, strangulation, DV Dynamics, Predominant Aggressor Analysis, Trauma Informed Practices, Interviewing, Post Sentence Offender Treatment.

    FEB 2024

    Larimer County Sheriff’s Office

    CVs in a DUI Case

    Qualification as an expert in court requires a clear and organized CV. Attendees will learn why a curriculum vitae (CV) is critical to impaired and intoxicated driving litigation, what must be included to be qualified as an expert, formatting suggestions, and ideas on how to maintain a good CV once developed.

    FEB 2024

    Montrose, CO

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals. Topics will include, strangulation, DV Dynamics, Predominant Aggressor Analysis, Trauma Informed Practices, Interviewing, Post Sentence Offender Treatment.

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation​

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals. Topics will include, strangulation, DV Dynamics, Predominant Aggressor Analysis, Trauma Informed Practices, Interviewing, Post Sentence Offender Treatment.

    FEB 2024

    Montrose, CO

    Upcoming TRAININGS

    CDAC provides specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 30,000 prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates across the state.

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

    Upcoming Tranings

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

    Feb 5, 2024

    CVs in a DUI Case – Larimer County Sheriff’s Office 2/6

    Qualification as an expert in court requires a clear and organized CV. Attendees will learn why a curriculum vitae (CV) is critical to impaired and intoxicated driving litigation.

    Domestic Violence Response and Investigation

    Free training presented by the EVAW Project of CDAC for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Victim Advocates and Allied Professionals

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    CDAC Trainings

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et justo. Praesent mattis commodo augue.​

    Case Law Updates

    Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.​

    CDAC Conference

    An annual three-day gathering held in September featuring keynote speakers and expert presenters from around the state.


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    Social Media

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    Help & Support

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    Case Law Updates

    Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.

    CDAC Conference

    An annual three-day gathering held in September featuring keynote speakers and expert presenters from around the state.

    Courtroom Experience

    Interactive and simulated training that aids in preparing law enforcement officers for testifying in a courtroom.

    the symbol of justice and justice is a statuette of the goddess Themis judge's gavel. legal advice
    CDAC Logo

    Types of trainings

    Case Law Updates

    Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.

    CDAC Trainings

    Case Law Updates

    Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.

    CDAC Conference

    An annual three-day gathering held in September featuring keynote speakers and expert presenters from around the state.

    Courtroom Experience

    Interactive and simulated training that aids in preparing law enforcement officers for testifying in a courtroom.

    Domestic Violence

    Skill-building activities that teach victim-offender dynamics, investigation strategies and report-writing.

    Felony Proseuctions

    Preparation and skill-development for the effective, successful and appropriate prosecution of felony cases.

    Impaired Driving

    Training of prosecutors and law enforcement for effective navigation of the unique challenges in DUI cases.

    Legislative Updates

    Analysis of the impact of new criminal justice legislation on prosecution and law enforcement.

    Major Cases

    Advanced training for district attorneys that examines their role in major cases from investigation through trial.

    Search and Seizure

    Education on the implications of the 4th Amendment's prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures.

    Sexual Assault

    Multi-disciplinary training on sex assault response, forensic exams, Title IX investigations and offender sentencing

    Traffic Safety

    Training for prosecutors and law enforcement on crash reconstruction and common issues regarding road safety.

    Trial Techniques

    Week-long course preparing new prosecutors to achieve justice, act with integrity and protect the community.

    Case Law Updates

    Analysis of the impact of U.S. Supreme Court and appellate decisions on legal interpretations and law enforcement.

    CDAC Conference

    An annual three-day gathering held in September featuring keynote speakers and expert presenters from around the state.

    Courtroom Experience

    Interactive and simulated training that aids in preparing law enforcement officers for testifying in a courtroom.

    Domestic Violence

    Skill-building activities that teach victim-offender dynamics, investigation strategies and report-writing.

    Felony Proseuctions

    Preparation and skill-development for the effective, successful and appropriate prosecution of felony cases.

    Impaired Driving

    Training of prosecutors and law enforcement for effective navigation of the unique challenges in DUI cases.

    Legislative Updates

    Analysis of the impact of new criminal justice legislation on prosecution and law enforcement.

    Major Cases

    Advanced training for district attorneys that examines their role in major cases from investigation through trial.

    Search and Seizure

    Education on the implications of the 4th Amendment's prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures.

    Sexual Assault

    Multi-disciplinary training on sex assault response, forensic exams, Title IX investigations and offender sentencing

    Traffic Safety

    Training for prosecutors and law enforcement on crash reconstruction and common issues regarding road safety.

    Sexual Assault

    Week-long course preparing new prosecutors to achieve justice, act with integrity and protect the community.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.