about us

Who We Are

The Colorado District Attorneys’ Council (CDAC) is a statewide organization that supports and represents the elected district attorneys for all 22 of Colorado’s judicial districts. The governing board meets regularly to discuss and engage in public policy solutions that keep our communities safe and respect the rights of all Coloradans.  

what we do

CDAC promotes, fosters and encourages and effective administration of criminal justice in the state by providing:

  • Training
  • Legislative Services
  • Legal Research
  • Management Assistance
  • Case Management and Data Tracking
  • Sharing of Criminal Justice Information and other agencies
  • Subject Matter Expertise and Special Programs
  • Special Prosecution Assistance


We provide specialized training and educational opportunities for nearly 10,000 prosecutors, law enforcement agencies, and victim advocates across the state.

Conference seminar meeting room


We discuss, develop and engage in public policy solutions that promote safe and healthy communities for all in Colorado. 

Data Management

We foster a more effective and efficient criminal justice system in Colorado through the use of information technology.


This comprehensive case management system provides prosecutors with an expansive database with information to consider in every aspect of a case.

Electronic Discovery

Providing evidence about a criminal case, eDiscovery increases the efficiency and accessibility of information for defendants and their attorneys.

Our Principles

the symbol of justice and justice is a statuette of the goddess Themis judge's gavel. legal advice

Equal Justice

Justice is our job, not convictions. Serving the public interest, we actively pursue the truth and ensure that everyone receives equal treatment under the law.​

Family, park and parents with children in nature for playing, bonding and running together in field

Public Safety

The primary reason we do our work is to create safe communities where every person has the opportunity to thrive, meet their true potential and enjoy their freedom.

Joyful group of multi-ethnic community of happy people having fun joining hands in the park

Community Health

We prioritize educating the public and engaging every person from every community in discussions about the criminal justice system in our state.

Lawyer takes his first oath before the Supreme Court.

Honesty and Integrity

At the Capitol, in the news or out in the community, you can count on us to tell the full truth and remain faithful to the community values we all share.

A business partnership based on mutual respect


Valuing humanity, we respect the inalienable dignity and rights of every individual in our state – including people who have caused harm in their community.

Teamwork, solidarity and diversity sports people hands stacked together from above. Athlete group o


We believe everyone's path to redemption or rehabilitation must include accepting responsibility for the harm they have caused.

Halls of justice federal building columns looking up.

Responsible Reform

For over 40 years, we have spearheaded efforts to responsibly improve the criminal justice system without compromising community safety and health.

Audience of educational forum

Community Engagement

We prioritize educating the public and engaging every person from every community in discussions about the criminal justice system in our state.

Human Rights

Victims Rights

Recognizing that they are the most important person in any criminal case, we protect victims' rights and support their needs while they seek justice.